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Unconditional Surrender - 1939 Campaign 3 / Part 2

Beginning of May 42 :

Allied decide to invade North Africa. British forces will be sufficient for that, and it will give another occasion to improve Anglo-French love history .

Beginning of July 42 :

2nd Sumer campaign in USSR only begins, due to very poor weather.

August 42 :

Axis assaults are mainly oriented in direction of Stalingrad and Caucasus .

After North Africa surrender , Italy is close to go on Allied side .It forces Axis to invade Vichy France and give more political support to Mussolini

October 42

End of this cruel summer for USSR armies :

In the south, Stalingrad has fallen after having repulsed 3Pz army assaults but not the following infantry . Astrakhan, Crimea and Caucasus are well held and Stalin hopes they will be starting bases for reconquest .

In the North, ennely is at the gates of Moscow and Vologda .

Finaly, Russian will to fight is at 8 : close to collapse , but USSR will survive .

April 1943 :

At last, Western allies are able to debark in France . Objective : reduce pressure on Russian front.

June 1943 :

German positions are strictly defensive .

July 1943 :

Successfull Ussr offensives in the South put german armies in bad positions .

August 43 :

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