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Unconditional Surrender - Campaign 2 / Part 3

06-1943 :

This is the end of Winter in Russia.

Frontlines were quite stable during the cold weather, due to heavy troops concentration

Western allies decide to invade France :

07-1943 :

5Pz urges to fill the gaps in the frontline

08-1943 :

Russian are beginning to take advantage but untill now, German panzers are able to fill the gaps, while Luftwaff fights in inferiority

09-1943 :

August was catastrophic for Wermacht .

2 germans armies were lost in South Ukrainia and allies are now in frontline

11-1943 :

winter is coming, but another month of good weather begins .

Spring 44 :

May 44 :

July 44 :

In Occidental med , British and US carriers based in Tunisia and Sicily blck Italian supply . Axis Army in North Africa will soon disappear.

In France , in May and June German armies were destroyed. Paris is liberated and only a very thin line is in front of 5 US armies .

bombing campaing against Reich's factories is depleting the economy. Supply is lacking to move troops and sustain Luftwaffe war efforts .

Army group south has ceased to exist . Rumania will soon surrender .

Sept 44 :

Mainland Germany is invaded by US armies while Ostfront is suffering heavy casualties due to frontal assaults and large out of supply pockets created .

German economy is collapsing, and Italy and remaining minor allies are close to surrender.

Germany surrender ....

some lessons learned :

- Don't underestimate power of US economy

- Don't underestimate weight of bombing campaign

- When russian army becomes unbeatable , Germans must be in position to fall back progressively .

By this time , declining available production will not be sufficient to both maintain air forces and move ground units .

Have to find the solution to put in place a front line relying on a low number of units, with progressive fall back movements.

- the impact of winning Gibraltar was very little . Possibly because Barbarossa should have been postponed one year to give a possibility to take Suez ?

- Russian forteresses looks un-takable : always in supply, garrisoned with full infantry that can be reinforced every turn ? how can they fall in ennemy hands ? Is there something I missed ?

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