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The Dark Valley - Barbarossa

Dernière mise à jour : 27 déc. 2019

Here are the germans plans to win the Barbarossa campaign :

Wermacht doesn't have the necessary power to win a long campaign .

Kiev and Moscow must be taken in a quick and concentrated campaign .

Logistic will be carefully managed in order to always be able to advance supply depots 6 hexes per turn.

Panzer armies will take the maximum risks to advance and isolate Soviet armies at all cost.

First try :

This campaign leads to an Axis surrender by the end of turn 2 : after succesfull advances, Pz Armies surrender Smolensk and cross Dniepr south of Kiev .

But Russian armies make heavy couniterattacks and kill and isolate several Panzer divisions . and lastly , some russian remants that were left behind are successfull in cutting supply between Minsk and Smolensk .

All the panzer armies are OOS , without avalaible aricrafts to supply them , and Smolenks Pocket is not closed ...

This leads to a general collapse of german armies .

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